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Category - Beginning Photography

Creating and Using Sky Overlays

You can't always control what the sky looks like when you are creating photographs. Fortunately, this is a problem you can correct with sky overlays.

How to Give Photographs as Gifts

Should you give a piece of fine art photography as a gift? It isn't always the best idea since tastes differ. Instead, give images with sentimental value.

The Many Meanings of Perspective

What does perspective mean to a photographer? It can mean several different things, each of which is a vital tool for adding depth to your photography.

A Photographer’s Frustrations

What frustrates you as a photographer? We all have things that annoy us, and it is wise to share those things. Here are some of my pet peeves!

Artspeak vs. Meaningful Conversation

What is artspeak? Artspeak, while at times valuable, is something that doesn't satisfy creativity. Here are thoughts about starting deep conversations.


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