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Category - Beginning Photography

Why Spontaneity Doesn’t Work

Fine art photography isn't a spur of the moment activity. There is a lot of waiting and thinking. Here are the times in the process that I like to wait.

You Get What You Pay For

What does photography actually cost? In terms of time, money, thought and creativity, you will get out what you put in when creating photographs.

Stick With It

Sometimes you need a break, but sometimes you need to stick with it. How do you tell the difference between these two times? Here are my thoughts.

Formulas versus Strategies

What is the difference between a formula and a strategy? In photography, it can be hard to tell. Here are my thoughts on how to differentiate the two.

There Can Be No Formula

Where photography is concerned, there can be no tried and true formula that we can rely on for photograph after photograph. We must keep innovating.

No One Cares How You Got There

Does the artistic process matter? Of course—but only to the artist. For the audience, it’s the result that matters most.


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