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Category - Camera Gear

When Future Proofing Goes Wrong

Future-proofing is good in that we need gear to suit our photographic needs—but it can go wrong, too! Here are thoughts on when future-proofing goes too far.

What is a Megapixel?

What’s all the buzz about megapixels? Here are some thoughts to clear up confusion so you can decide whether your camera needs more megapixels.

Choosing Your New Camera

Purchasing a new camera isn't easy. It almost always means making some compromises or tradeoffs. Here are my thoughts on how to make the right choice.

Light Modifiers for Product Photography

The creative use of light makes the difference between bland and bold product photos. These tools will help you master the lighting, whether you’re in your...

Choosing Between Prime and Zoom Lenses

Photographers have debated the merits of prime and zoom lenses since 1959 when Nikon released the first zoom lens for their SLRs – the Auto NIKKOR Telephoto...


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