The mind, just like the body, needs exercise to stay sharp and fit. Fortunately, there are lots of great ways for photographers to exercise their creativity!
Category - Creative Wellness
There’s a lot of pressure to not only keep up with responsibilities, but to keep churning out creative works. Make time for yourself so you can recharge.
Sometimes the guilt of not creating leads us to avoid creative activities just so that we can avoid the guilt. Set that guilt aside and get back to work!
We maintain our equipment, but we sometimes forget about the most important tool of all: Ourselves. Read my thoughts on good health to promote good photography.
Sometimes, we all need to take a break. There is no shame in it, and in fact, I think it can be a healthy, necessary part of our photographic life.
Not long ago, I had the chance to talk with a childhood friend. We started reminiscing about school—the teachers who shaped us, the friends we made, and the...
Frank was the kind of man you don’t forget—sharp, kind-hearted, and always ready to serve. He had a quiet intelligence about him, the kind that didn’t need to...
Oh, those were the days! It's incredible how much has changed since I was a kid in Hinton, West Virginia. There was something almost adventurous about needing...
Brain training is a popular fad nowadays, and there are ways to train your creative brain, too! It’s all about activating the brain’s reticular formation.
Sometimes it’s not the weather, the gear or an external factor that gets in our way. Sometimes it’s physical limitations.