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Category - Marketing and Networking


What’s the difference between evergreen content and timely content? Is one better than the other? Here are my thoughts, both on marketing and photography.

Fragmented Audiences

We paint audiences in broad strokes—but it’s vital to understand the subtleties so that we can find those who will best enjoy the images that we create.

How Consumers Consume

It’s time to rethink the way consumers consume our art. In so doing, we may discover new outlets, new audiences—and our art will become more accessible.

For the Love of Photography

There’s a reason why the best among us create art—and it’s not for the likes and shares. We do it above all else for the love of photography.

Don’t Forget Your Own Advertising!

We photographers often forget to create promotional images—and there is more to these types of images than just the self portraits. Here are my thoughts.

What People Say and What They Do

Paying for photography reviews might result in a brief flash of attention. But lasting popularity comes from photographs designed to promote themselves.

Making Connections with Your Viewers

Artmaking is about transmitting information from artists to viewers. Here are some thoughts about how you can more easily make these all-important connections.

Planning Photos to Suit Your Market

When creating art, the temptation is to create without regard to future viewers or markets. This is a vital component that you should consider from the start!


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