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Category - Photography Clips

One and Only

We all have favorite photographers who influence our work. But ultimately, each of us must grow beyond our role models to create the art only we can make.

Creative Technology

Is the solution to our limitations to invest in a new piece of gear? Or is it more a matter of finding creative solutions using the equipment we have now?

Well Intentioned Photographs

There are as many motivations as there are photographers. Question is, are you creating well-intentioned photographs, or creating for another reason?

The Many Benefits of Old Age

We don’t think of old age as having many benefits, but it does! We grow wiser, and through patience or other means, we slow down to observe the world.


Personal Aesthetics

There isn’t any accounting for taste, although photographers can try to follow mass appeal. But is this the wise choice instead of following your heart?

Dig Deep

We often give photographs a passing glance when searching for something to study. But it’s worthwhile to dig deeper even when images don’t initially grab us.

Time is Valuable

No matter who you ask, every photographer will have a different answer as to what they prize most highly. But time is the most valuable resource of all.

Blurred Mediums

Photography is an interesting art in that we blur the lines between mediums more so than most. Check out my thoughts on this and you’ll see what I mean!

Shine a Spotlight on It

Spotlighting is an often overlooked technique, which is a shame because there are many, many different creative ways to put single light sources to work.


Productivity aside, there is value to be had in the journey. Sometimes simply wandering may be the best thing—and I’ll show you why.