It might work for cars, but pushy salesmanship can drive potential art buyers away. To market your photography, the best way is to be authentically you.
Category - Photography Clips
Trends are always coming and going. While there is pressure to follow them, ultimately, it’s up to you whether or not to follow whatever is current.
Common marketing strategies often lead to photographers marketing to other photographers. But there are ways to put artwork in front of a broader audience.
Once the technical learning is done, that’s when it may feel like the learning is over. But that’s when your photographic journey is just beginning.
The one area that photographers can’t control is a print’s display. Keep this in mind to create photos that show well in any situation!
Is digital preservation safer than archival prints as a way to keep our photographs for the future? I think so, and there are a couple of good reasons why.
Today, with limitless digital storage, there’s no reason to limit photography projects to just a few images. Pursue a project to its natural conclusion!
Anchor shots are the most important part of a series. You never know when you could create a series, so it’s a good idea to make anchor shots a habit.
Why carry around a gear bag full of prime lenses when one or two zoom lenses will give you the same focal range without sacrificing quality?
Photography is all about thought and reflection. That’s why we should be encouraging discussion on social media rather than simply clicking the like button.