Photography is purely a visual experience. However, there are ways to evoke the other senses, which will make for a richer, fuller viewing experience.
Category - Photography Clips
Online photography viewing can be problematic. Photography magazines are one way to expose yourself to new art in a setting that invites you to linger.
Hype and negativity can lead you astray when shopping for new gear. Don’t let these things stop you from buying what works best for your needs!
Photography is full of limitations. It’s our job to find ways to work around them rather than allowing ourselves to be limited by the tools at our disposal.
Photographers are always striving to create something new. But, we shouldn’t discount the value that comes with the occasional second take.
Our creative side doesn’t always awake immediately. Sometimes it just takes patience. Here are thoughts to prevent discouragement while you wait.
Can video take the place of burst mode? Perhaps, depending on what you plan to do with the images — and almost certainly in the future as technology improves!
Building buzz around a photo project before it is completed could be harmful to your reputation. Here are my thoughts on social media for photographers!
Photographers so often believe that new and unusual locales are the secret to success. But art comes from within, not necessarily your surroundings.
It’s important to ask ourselves what we want from photography. When we can answer that question, we know what course to take toward the future.