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Breathing Life into Portraits

Portraits are often static, like a still-life, featuring neutral looks. But they don’t have to be. Get your subject animated to add life to your portraits!

The Ideal is Undependable

The dream is to display our images under ideal conditions. This isn’t always possible, so we need to design photographs to hold beauty no matter what.

What is a Megapixel?

What’s all the buzz about megapixels? Here are some thoughts to clear up confusion so you can decide whether your camera needs more megapixels.

Doing a Double Take

Online culture has taught us to flip through images quickly. But the good images are worth a double take. Too, we should create images with this in mind.

Your Photographic Fingerprint

Are you afraid to tread the same ground other photographers have walked? No need to worry because your photographic fingerprint sets your images apart.

Open Yourself to Possibilities

Worries about choosing the right place to take a photographic trip are common, but they shouldn’t be! Everywhere has something worth photographing.

Persistence is the Secret to Success

It’s not gear or exotic destinations that makes us successful photographers. It’s the persistence to keep going out into the field, taking photographs and...

Re-prioritizing Today Over Tomorrow

Is it possible that we spend too much time mulling the future instead of creating today? Here are thoughts about balancing creativity with future proofing.

Creative Control in the Digital Age

The digital age comes with a loss of creative control when it comes to displaying our photographs. These quick thoughts might help you remedy that conundrum!

What You Think About

Think more creatively, become more creative? It works, I think! Here are some thoughts on how creative thought can make you a better photographer.


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