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Sometimes It’s All About the Setting

There are all kinds of ways to find subjects for photography. Sometimes the best way is to start with the setting, let life happen, and see what comes of it.

Avoiding Extremes

Marketers sell flagship cameras because that’s the only way to excite us. But do we need it when less expensive models will suit most needs?


Sometimes the emphasis is necessary for photography, but it’s not so easy as adding an exclamation point. Here are thoughts to help you get your point across.

Effortless Photography

Art should be an effortless thing that sweeps you up rather than leaving you in awe of technical aspects. Here are my thoughts on achieving effortless...

Is Photography Dying?

Is photography dying as an art form? I don’t think so, and here are my arguments against the idea that photography is in its waning years.

Finding Time or Making Time?

Accomplishing the things we want to do isn’t so much about finding time, but about making time. Here are my thoughts on why this mindset is important.

Photography Every Day

Daily photography is a good habit to form if you can make time for it! It keeps us sharp and increases the odds of making something fantastic.

Personal Expression

How does one create unique art in an age when everything has already been photographed? By taking the subject material and making it personal.


Knowledge changes with time. Sometimes we need to relearn what we thought we knew—and that’s why going back to the basics for a refresher is important.


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