Is it the gear that makes art? Or is it the photographer’s creative skill? It’s time to forget about the gear and instead, focus on the mind that wields it.
Tag - cameras and lenses
Marketers sell flagship cameras because that’s the only way to excite us. But do we need it when less expensive models will suit most needs?
With camera reviews on the wane, what will bloggers talk about next? Maybe this is a signal that it’s time to return to the creative side of things.
Sometimes we forget that content really is the universal truth—and that leads us to spending too much time on the details. More on my thoughts here.
Why carry around a gear bag full of prime lenses when one or two zoom lenses will give you the same focal range without sacrificing quality?
Have you ever wondered how the camera lens was developed? Turns out, the lens has an even longer history than the camera itself.