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Atmosphere in Your Photography

Atmosphere is important to photography, but not in the way that you think. This is what shifts your thoughts and feelings to align best with your surroundings.

Photography Isn’t a Team Sport!

Cooperation among photographers is wonderful, but when teams form around brands, genres or other parts of photography, this limits creative exploration.

Live With It

Finding a way to live with your images is a valuable way to learn more about your photography. See how you react to them over time to learn how to improve them.

Doing the Work

In photography, getting caught up in the allure of new gadgets and trending techniques is easy. However, a year’s worth of retrospection often reveals a simple...

The Unforgettable Lesson

In my grade school days, I had a firecracker of a teacher whose startling desk-slaps and "Pay attention!" outbursts seemed over the top back then. Yet, her...

The Devil Is in the Details

There are times when the pursuit of technical perfection overshadows the creative side of photography. If perfectionism bogs you down, these thoughts may help!

Capturing the Wind

Are there ways beyond motion blur and freeze frames to imply a sense of motion? There are—and here are my thoughts on how to use them.

Why the Pros Shoot in RAW

The JPEG represented a huge leap in technology compared to film. RAW files are another leap – one that professionals were glad to make.


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