Preconceived notions can get in our way when what we’re expecting fails to materialize. It’s on us to overcome it when expectations don’t match reality.
Tag - photography for beginners
What are the hidden costs to photography? There are lots, and they’re lurking where you least expect them! Here are some thoughts to help you find them.
It’s easy to create a cookie cutter website with templates. But when art is supposed to be uniquely ours, shouldn’t we display it on unique websites, too?
The best photographs are the ones with deep layers of meaning. It takes thought to find these layers—and to create images featuring this depth, too.
We often give photographs a passing glance when searching for something to study. But it’s worthwhile to dig deeper even when images don’t initially grab us.
It’s exciting to be able to print photographs at extremely large sizes. But is it always necessary? Some images may benefit from smaller sized prints.
Photography is really a way of projecting our personal perspectives onto the world. That’s what makes each image from every photographer unique.
Generalizing and stereotyping is viewed as a bad thing. But generalizing is a lot of what photographers do. We just need to be conscientious and do it right.
Content is king in photography, but maybe not quite in the way you think. It’s the emotional content that counts, the pieces of ourselves that we pour into it.
Critiquing is a difficult process! It’s easy to overlook the photographer’s vision for the image. Ask this question so you can give the best feedback possible!