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Tag - Photography is Fun!

Taking a Break

Sometimes, we all need to take a break. There is no shame in it, and in fact, I think it can be a healthy, necessary part of our photographic life.

Why Do We Make Photographs?

What compels photographers to create photographs? It isn't all about money and fame. Read on to see the larger reasons why we are driven to create art.

Broadening Your Horizons

Is it possible to create a photograph that doesn’t fit into any genre? Maybe, maybe not, but the pursuit of such an image could be worthwhile.

Lessons from Old Gear

There is a lot to be learned from old cameras—lessons that we risk losing. Maybe it’s time to dust off those antiques to see what they can teach us.

Is Photography Dying?

Is photography dying as an art form? I don’t think so, and here are my arguments against the idea that photography is in its waning years.

Sharp Picture, Fuzzy Concept

If there’s a quote that photographers should live by, it’s this one. Photography across mediums and throughout history proves it to be true.

Atmosphere in Your Photography

Atmosphere is important to photography, but not in the way that you think. This is what shifts your thoughts and feelings to align best with your surroundings.

Photography Isn’t a Team Sport!

Cooperation among photographers is wonderful, but when teams form around brands, genres or other parts of photography, this limits creative exploration.


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