Does the artistic process matter? Of course—but only to the artist. For the audience, it’s the result that matters most.
Tag - Photography Projects
Free flowing creativity is a wonderful thing. It’ll lead you to exploring creative branches you never would have imagined. Here’s how to keep it all organized.
Big projects can be incredibly intimidating. It becomes hard to see a path to completion. That’s when you need to break it down into manageable chunks.
Today, with limitless digital storage, there’s no reason to limit photography projects to just a few images. Pursue a project to its natural conclusion!
The mind, just like the body, needs exercise to stay sharp and fit. Fortunately, there are lots of great ways for photographers to exercise their creativity!
Could zooming way in or zooming way out be a solution to those unproductive days in the field? Here’s a quick thought to help you make the most of photo trips!