Sometimes you need a break, but sometimes you need to stick with it. How do you tell the difference between these two times? Here are my thoughts.
Tag - Photography
Does the artistic process matter? Of course—but only to the artist. For the audience, it’s the result that matters most.
We all have the need to be validated—but what happens when that need goes too far? It can only lead to bad things, I think. Here are my thoughts.
What is it that we need from photography? It’s an important question to ask because the answers can help direct us down the right path.
Curiosity is essential to photography—and there are ways to become more inquisitive. It all comes from exploring and the thrill of discovery.
We don’t have to limit ourselves to photography. It’s possible to have multiple artistic passions—and pursuing all of them helps us hone skills across mediums.
Change is inevitable in photography. How we handle it is interesting. Here are more of my thoughts on goals, change, and how we may learn about our creativity.
Finding your people doesn’t mean building a community of admirers on social media. It’s about building a community where there is kinship, learning and growth.
We can blame many things for failed photographs, but the problem usually isn’t outside circumstances. Read more of my thoughts on this here.
Free flowing creativity is a wonderful thing. It’ll lead you to exploring creative branches you never would have imagined. Here’s how to keep it all organized.