It’s easy to get into the high school mentality when trying to fluff out a portfolio—but it’s ill advised. Let the project end at its natural stopping point.
Tag - Photography
There’s a reason why the best among us create art—and it’s not for the likes and shares. We do it above all else for the love of photography.
Preconceived notions can get in our way when what we’re expecting fails to materialize. It’s on us to overcome it when expectations don’t match reality.
What are the hidden costs to photography? There are lots, and they’re lurking where you least expect them! Here are some thoughts to help you find them.
We often give photographs a passing glance when searching for something to study. But it’s worthwhile to dig deeper even when images don’t initially grab us.
Generalizing and stereotyping is viewed as a bad thing. But generalizing is a lot of what photographers do. We just need to be conscientious and do it right.
Critiquing is a difficult process! It’s easy to overlook the photographer’s vision for the image. Ask this question so you can give the best feedback possible!
Can video take the place of burst mode? Perhaps, depending on what you plan to do with the images — and almost certainly in the future as technology improves!
The dream is to display our images under ideal conditions. This isn’t always possible, so we need to design photographs to hold beauty no matter what.
What’s all the buzz about megapixels? Here are some thoughts to clear up confusion so you can decide whether your camera needs more megapixels.